Betsy Production Music


Vocals by Yi-Han Lien 連依涵 Music/Lyrics & Arrangement by Betsy Hsu 許祐華 Mixing by Yu-Hsuan Yeh 葉育軒 English Translation by Alvin Wong 這是一首關於言語暴力的歌。言語暴力的資訊太少,導致施暴者不知道自己在施暴,受害者不知道自己正在受害,更不知道如何保護自己。 其實,這比你我想像的還要更常發生 希望藉著這首歌,讓我們每個人審視自己,也讓受傷的人得到力量。 被愛還是悲哀 How to define? 期待變成活該 It's not fine 突如其來的恨 Don't know why 小心翼翼地問 Are you all right 你的衝動是你的痛 我們在不同現實中 沒有誰是你的誰 作繭自縛的完美 沒有誰該控制誰 權力遊戲的餘灰 關懷變成無賴 Nice try 疼愛還是傷害 Not allowed to cry 沉默以對的冷 All a lie 內心深處的真 Open my eyes 沒有誰是你的誰 不明究理的是非 沒有誰能佔有誰 不過都是支配 Love or heartbreak.

沒有誰是你的誰Appreciation,not possession(ElectroO2伊雷兔)
詞曲/編曲 許祐華 
Music,Lyrics&Arranging by Betsy Hsu

Across Boundaries is the latest EP of my band "ElectroO2". Please check out my band website! all the songs are available in amazon, iTunes,spotify, kkbox etc etc... "listening to the music by drummer/composer Betsy Hsu. You can hear the warmth in this cold world. It's like having sweet tea with Whisky in the middle of the night. The music will keep you company with mind traveling." ----by golden indie music award winner Yuhan Su

Lost and Found (ElectroO2伊雷兔樂團)
作曲/編曲 許祐華 
Music&Arranging by Betsy Hsu

If I Didn't Meet You (ElectroO2 伊雷兔樂團)
詞曲/編曲 許祐華 
Music,Lyrics&Arranging by Betsy Hsu

媽媽的愛 Mother's Love (ElectroO2 伊雷兔樂團)
作詞/編曲 許祐華
Lyrics & Arranging by Betsy Hsu


請問我 Ask Me Directly (ElectroO2 伊雷兔樂團)
作詞/編曲 許祐華
Lyrics & Arranging by Betsy Hsu